Robertson, J, Redefining CSG “Waste” Water: New Opportunities for Managed Aquifer Recharge (2018) 35 Environmental and Planning Law Journal 188

Posted in Recent Publications

This paper canvasses the current state of commentary regarding governance of coal seam gas (CSG) produced water as well as Managed Aquifer Recharge (MAR). Some CSG projects in Queensland have been required to undertake aquifer … Read More

Bowie, L and Fulcher J, Stepping outside the box – Regional economic opportunities for a brighter future for post-mining land use, Queensland Environmental Law Association Annual Conference, Southport, Australia May 2018.

Posted in Recent Publications

This paper provides a snapshot of some successful examples of post-mining land uses around the world and analyses economic drivers for that success. As a primary case study, it examines the Queensland system of rehabilitation … Read More

Perissinotto, K “Planning Implications of Short Term Home Rentals” (2018) 23(94) QEPR

Posted in Recent Publications

This paper addresses the planning issues and implications of short-term home rentals (like through Airbnb and other providers), in advance of any findings by the Queensland Government Industry Reference Group.  It considers the ways that … Read More

Planning for post-mining land uses

Posted in Older Publications

Bowie, L and Fulcher J, Planning for post-mining land uses, Planning Institute of Australia annual conference, Bundaberg, Australia 2017 This paper provides a snapshot of some successful examples of post-mining land uses around the world … Read More

Conditions Run with the land? It depends.

Posted in Older Publications

Robertson, J.T.,‘Conditions Run with the land? It depends.’ (2015) 20(89) QEPR 34. It is a fundamental tenet of Queensland planning law that an approval and its conditions run with the land, binding future owners (and … Read More

Dealing with Difficult Referrals – Water and Transport

Posted in Older Publications

Bowie, L.M., How to deal with difficult referrals under the Sustainable Planning Act 2009 – With a focus on water and transport referrals, Planning Institute of Australia, ‘How to’ series, presented 5 March 2013 (Brisbane). Queensland has a complex … Read More

Obligations to Notify- a Practical Guide’

Posted in Older Publications

Robertson, J.T.,-‘Obligations to Notify- a Practical Guide’ (2011/2012) 17 (76) QEPR 53 . Significantly expanded notification requirements will shortly be inserted by the Natural Resources and Other Legislation Amendment Act (No. 2) 2010 (Qld) (“NROLA … Read More

Owners’ Consent and State Resource Evidence

Posted in Older Publications

Bowie, L.M., – Planning Institute of Australia, Part 1 of the series ‘How to make a properly made development application under the Sustainable Planning Act 2009’, presented 8 February 2011 (Brisbane) and 18 March 2011 … Read More

Two steps back and one step forward – extensions and ‘roll-ons’ for development permits

Posted in Older Publications

Bowie, L.M., (Planning Institute of Australia seminar – IPA Improvement – The legal perspective, 30 May 2007). In 2007, planning legislative amendments in Queensland simultaneously made it more difficult to apply for extensions to approvals, … Read More

New Commonwealth Auditing Procedures for environmental approvals

Posted in Older Publications

Bowie, L.M.,  (AMPLA News May 2007 Number 41, p4). Outlines an auditing process for projects across Australia, checking compliance with conditions under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (Cth), following amendments which commenced on … Read More